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Herbal Products

165 Items

Yu Ping Feng San - Granules (100g) G2849

Astragalus & Siler Formula  玉屏風散

Item # : G2849

Category : Classic Granules

Yu Nu Jian - Granules (100g) G2846

Rehmannia & Gypsum Combination  玉女煎

Item # : G2846

Category : Classic Granules

You Gui Wan - Granules (100g) G2843

Eucommia & Rehmannia Formula  右歸丸

Item # : G2843

Category : Classic Granules

Yin Qiao San - Granules (100g) G2840

Lonicera & Forsythia Formula  銀翹散

Item # : G2840

Category : Classic Granules

Yin Chen Hao Tang - Granules (100g) G2834

Artemisia Combination  茵陳蒿湯

Item # : G2834

Category : Classic Granules

Yi Guan Jian - Granules (100g) G2822

Linking Decoction  一貫煎

Item # : G2822

Category : Classic Granules

Yi Gan San - Granules (100g) G2819

Bupleurum Formula  抑肝散

Item # : G2819

Category : Classic Granules

Yang Xin Tang - Granules (100g) G2813

Astragalus & Zizyphus Combination  養心湯

Item # : G2813

Category : Classic Granules

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang - Granules (100g) G2810

Persica & Carthamus Combination  血府逐瘀湯

Item # : G2810

Category : Classic Granules

Xin Yi San - Granules (100g) G2789

Magnolia Flower Formula  辛夷散

Item # : G2789

Category : Classic Granules

Xin Yi Qing Fei Tang (Yin) - Granules (100g) G2786

Magnolia & Gypsum Combination  辛夷清肺湯(飲)

Item # : G2786

Category : Classic Granules

Xie Huang San - Granules (100g) G2783

Siler & Licorice Formula  瀉黃散

Item # : G2783

Category : Classic Granules